Thinking About Death Is Natural
Who Benefits From Our Services?
We provide comprehensive pre and post-death planning, client advocacy, respite, and grief counseling for:
The terminally diagnosed
Patients in palliative care
Hospice Care
Anyone who is at a point in life where they want to contribute to how they will be cared for and remembered at death

If you could choose to die well or have a "good death" would you?
If you had the chance to plan for your family during their crisis moments or have your funeral the way you want it and on the best terms possible, how would you do it?
But Before I Go does not provide funerary services. It is a Doula facilitated practice that is centered on understanding the client's wishes before, during, and at the time of death. Every client, along with caregivers and family, deserves to plan an exit strategy and a peaceful transition whether they have days, weeks, or months before they go.
A Doula facilitated death is about planning how you exit this world - it is time spent the way you want and on your terms. We help provide clarity about the dying process, visioning tools, and hopefully, a sense of comfort knowing the last months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes are carried out the way you have planned.
Our confidential counsel and support services are created with clients when it is time to review life's achievements and the opportunities that may have slipped by. Our goal is to ensure each client's experience is personal and unique as they prepare for the final moments and create space to memorialize with family.
But Before I Go also helps clients with reviewing life insurance and financial plans, understanding when to appoint and invoke a power of attorney, and deciding who should be a health care proxy.
Our services may also extend to the family for grief counseling, funeral planning, creating memorial projects, and final wishes advice as decided by the deceased.
Guidance is Key

Life and death are one thread, the same line viewed from different sides.
- Lao Tzu
"Heaven" Photography by
Benjamin Jancewicz
Personalized end-of-life consultation to include final wish planning
Care and support plans through the 11th hour in partnership with hospice, palliative, or family
Bedside vigils
Memorial projects and living funerals
End-of-life financial considerations
Family and caregivers consultation to aid in understanding the dying process
Grief counseling with family and caregivers up to 12 months after your death
Our Doula Care
and Guidance Include: